- Basic knowledge of HTML
- Basic knowledge of CSS
- JavaScript Implementation
Why AngularJs?
- Two-way data binding - This feature provides the most convenient aspect of Angular. You no longer need to query DOM each time to update it.
- Dynamic HTML generation - The best of all
- Makes tasks like binding, templating, routing, and unit testing etc. much simpler
- Lightweight (< 36KB compressed and minified)
- Supported by IntelliJ IDEA and Visual Studio .NET IDEs
- Dependency injection: In Angular, you can inject as many dependencies as you want into a particular segment. You no longer need to create instances and initiate the dependency instances for using them.
- Less Coding
- Reusable Components
- There are multiple useful features, but these features above increase the preference for Angular over other JS frameworks.
- An Introduction
- Developed in 2009 by Misko and Adam Abrons
- Is open source and completely free
- Licensed under Apache and maintained by Google
- Powerful JavaScript Framework
- Used to create SPA projects
Features of AngularJs
- Used to create RIA
- Helps to write application using MVC Architecture
- Application in AngularJS is cross-browser complaint
- Automatically handles JavaScript code as per browser
- Data-binding
- Scope - Scope is a special JavaScript object, which plays the role of joining controller with the views.
- Controller - AngularJS application mainly relies on controllers to control the flow of data in the application. A controller is defined using ng-controller directive.
- Services - AngularJS supports the concepts of "Separation of Concerns" using services architecture. Services are JavaScript functions and are responsible to do a specific task only. This makes them an individual entity, which is maintainable and testable.
- Filters - Filters are used to change and modify the data and can be clubbed in expression or directives using pipe character. Some basic filters are: uppercase, lowercase, currency, order by
- Directives
- Routing
- Model View Controller
Advantages of AngularJs:
- Unit Testing Ready
- Built by Google
- Great MVC
- Comprehensive
- Intuitive
AngularJs Popular Examples :
- Video Streaming Apps
- YouTube’s app for Sony PS3
- User-Review Applications
- GoodFilms offers movie reviews to the users
- Travel Apps
- JetBlue’s flight booking travel app
- Weather Apps
- User Generated Content Portals
- - Offers user-generated content
- Mobile Commerce
- e-commerce
- Amazon
- Social Apps
Top 5 Frameworks for the Future:
- Angular.js
- Vue.js
- React.js
- Aurelia.js
- Ruby